Prof. Gordana Kierans
Shenzhen Technology University, China
Research Area: Circular Economy, Leadership
Title: The Circular Economy: What and Where are the Opportunities for Entrepreneurs?
Abstract: Ever since the Industrial Revolution, our system of production has been a linear economy that has evolved into a “take-make-use-and-dispose” structure powered almost exclusively by fossil fuels. This system has been like a machine that has grown bigger and bigger all the while getting faster and more efficient in order to produce more and more.
However, our Earth’s resources have become scarcer and consequently more expensive to extract in recent years. Indeed, alarmingly, many precious metals are running dangerously low and our waste landfills have become full. In addition, renewable resources like water, air, forests and fish stocks are polluted and increasingly more stressed.
It has thus become obvious that to meet the demands of everybody on this planet new industrial principles of production and consumption are urgently required. Therefore, the transformative power of the circular economy has gained traction is because its system of production is exactly the opposite of the linear model. Indeed, in short, the circular economy actually separates economic growth and development apart from the consumption of limited resources, creating a new industrial economy.
The large multinational companies are facing an increased scrutiny because the ones in the consumer industry are also big polluters. They are looking for circular ideas outside of their own company because their own R&D might not produce viable solutions in a short period of time. Therefore, acquiring the solution outside or partnering with a small company is currently the practice.
However, the Schumpeter’s theory of creative destruction applies here a well as the disruptive force of entrepreneurship can bring a lasting change and forge new paths for whole industries. According to some experts, there is a US$ 4,5 trillion treasure chest waiting for those who can turn our current waste into usable wealth by 2030.
In this presentation, Professor Kierans will point out where to look for opportunities and how to turn a great idea into a value for customers.
Prof. Hua Wang, Shenzhen Technology University, China
Research Area: Finance, FinTech, Economics
Title: Robotic-advisory within the Fintech domain
Abstract: The talk will talk about the traditional financial advisory and the advantage & the features of robo-advisor. The speech will then disucss the different development stages of “robo-advisor” between domestic and abroad, with several practical problems need to be addressed, and finally the prospects of the robo-advisor in future.
Prof. Marco I. Bonelli, SIAS Intl. University, China
Research Area: Corporate Relationships/Global Markets/Investment Research/Client Development/
Portfolio Management/Investment CustomerEngagement/High Profile Client Management/Marketing
Abstract: China is leading the way among major economies in trailing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Given China’s technology ability and the speed of adoption of new payment methods by Chinese consumers, we should not be surprised if the CBDC takes off in a major way, displacing physical cash in the economy over the next very few years. The opportunity that this gives to the Chinese financial leadership is enormous, both in terms of law enforcement and more efficient pass through of monetary policy.
My presentation covers how a CBDC could operate domestically; specifically the impact it could have on the Chinese economy and society. It also looks at the possible international implications for trade and geopolitics.